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AO Forum :: > Regional Discussion > Khazaron Reaches Out

Posted by: Khazaron Jan 29 2006, 11:05 PM
The cloudy sky seemed to have a draining effect on the populace of Archon City. Normally a very busy bunch, scurrying from office buildings and shopping malls, they stayed in doors today, watching from their windows as the water fell down from the heavens. A few bothered to venture out, usually to flag down a taxi or hop into a car, but for the most part the streets where relatively clear of any substantial mass of people. Watching from her limo as it sped through the streets, Danielle Uram chuckled to herself. She seemed to be one of the only people she knew of that actually enjoyed this kind of weather. She began to ponder to herself why that might be, only to be interrupted by Sub-Minister Travis Kamar clearing his throat. She turned her attention to the relatively young, red-haired individual sitting across from her in the limo.

"What is it Tyler?" she said.

"It's the Patriarch's new diplomatic plan ma'am. We've had it on paper for quite some time now, but have yet to really implement anything. I was thinking, maybe we should get started on it." he said, his eyes looking intently at Danielle, trying to gauge what her response would be.

Turning to her side, Danielle picked up a brown leather folder an unsnapped it, flipping about half-way through it and the skimming the page. She nodded and the turned her attention back to Tyler. "Yes, I suppose we could look into that. We have had a lack of things to do lately. But I must ask, why bring this up now Tyler?"

"We ma'am" Tyler cleared his throat. "It's just with so many new nations making themselves known to the region recently, I've realized that perhaps we should take a more active approach in our diplomacy department. I know we aren't a people known for trusting foreigners and all, but the Patriarch has made it clear that this is a new Khazaron. If this is indeed true, then we must put behind ourselves the old prejudices and look around us."

Danielle smiled and folded her arms. "Well put Tyler. I'll make some preparations to send out letters to some nations about strengthening ties with them. Starting with an ambassadorial exchange. Any nations you had in mind?"

Tyler nodded. "I think the first on our list should be New Qasimir. Since they share a border with us, it is imperative that we keep a line of dialogue open with them at all times."

"Agreed." Danielle said, now looking down at her folder and scribbling down some notes with an ink pen.

"Also on the list, I think some of our SDL allies that we have no official embassies with, should be key also. Sarzonia, Hockey Canada and Falcania are it I think."

Danielle nodded again, then looked up. "Pacitalia too. We had a rather productive visit when they came here. Although they have decided to remain neutral in concerns to the two alliances of the region, it could prove fruitful to have a line of communication with them. Perhaps Izistan as well."

After making a few final notations in her folder, Danielle snapped it shut and placed it right next to her.

"Very well then. Once we get back to the palace, I'll begin making the preparations. I think we should also leave it open to other nations as well, perhaps send this as an open letter to all nations, or even better, a news release."

After making it back to the palace, and getting soaked while trying to run to the front door in the pouring rain, Danielle headed straight to her office and began typing up the release that she would make available to all news outlets in the region.


Fellow nations of Atlantian Oceania, with the recent arrival of several nations onto the regional scene, it has become clear to the Dominion that we are woefully lacking in the appropriate avenues of communication with many nations that we deal with or are quite close to. To rectify such a problem, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would like to make it known to all nations and agencies within the region that we are instituting a new diplomatic program, one aimed at creating dialogue with all of our neighbors and allies.

This will start with the simple exchange of ambassadors, but it is the hope of this ministry, and indeed of the Patriarch himself, that it evolves into something much more. We wish to specifically extend this invitation to any of our allies in the Strategic Defense League, that we have not yet opened official ties with, as well as the newly arrived nations of New Qasismir, Pacitalia and Izistan.

To reiterate though, we seek an open dialogue with all that would have it. So if you wish to establish said dialogue, please fell free to contact the Office of Foreign Affairs in Archon City.

Posted by: New Qasimir Jan 30 2006, 12:08 PM
It had been a busy day at the Majlis-e-Khas at Maktoub, a stressful one, and Kasim Al-Haq was frankly glad to see the end of it. Being Prime Minster had taken a toll on him greater than he'd anticipated, and in his head he heard his sister's mocking voice telling him not so long ago, how people would never want what was truly best for them.

It annoyed him, it truly did, how she knew so well his own people, far better than he did. Something to do with his optimism, his faith that the better course of option would be taken, instead of the shortcut. He wished he didn't have to be so hard sometimes, but wouldn't people just see reason?

He'd ensured freedom of the presses, and they called the government a dictatorship, they called it corrupt. Couldn't they see, damnit, that he was doing it for them, to make the country stronger from within, less susceptible to the same rot that had overtaken the Sultanate before the war? A rhetorical question, of course, because they couldn't, they didn't, and they were already forgetting the sacrifices made not even twenty years ago.

Clenching his fist, unclenching again slowly to let loose some of the tension, Kasim stepped away from his desk and walked to the far left wall, covered almost in its entirety in a map of New Qasimir, in all her glory.

"You're worrying too much again, aren't you?" he heard a voice behind him, and smiled quietly. Azmir Hameed, the Deputy Prime Minister, had a way of being straight and inciscive without losing compassion. "Well, you can stop now, because we've got something major - in a good way - that needs our attention."

"You don't say," Kasim glanced over his shoulder, quirked a brow, putting away his grievances with his people for the time being. "Well, let's have it, then. Better a situation to distract me than shots of aspirin, or Allah forbid, those horrible herbal remedies."

Chuckling, Azmir held out a document for him, a special news document from Khazaron inviting Qasimir and several other fellow nations, new and old, in a diplomatic exchange.

"This could be just the thing we need to jumpstart our own diplomatic initiative," Azmier said, watching Kasim's reaction. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs had already drawn up plans for opening New Qasimir's doors to her neighbours, and Atlantian Oceania in general - all they needed was the go ahead.

"Hmm," Kasim mulled over the news release, frowning slightly. "All well and good, and it's perfectly timed, too. I just wish they'd given us a few more days, so we could officially initiate the dialogue."

"Same thing, one way or the other. It's not a race to the finish line, you know."

"I know," Kasim shrugged. "I know, I know. Alright then, let's make the best of this. Tell Oveishi that the Foreign Ministry needs to draft an official response, in the positive, with the usual goodwill and similarity of duties and obligations to freedom and peace and whatnot. Also mention that we are in the process of initiating a region-wide Diplomatic initiative, beginning with our neighbours, and that we look forward to continued good relations between our nations. The End."

"Done," Azmir nodded his assent, flipping open his mobile phone and relaying the essentials to Sazid Oveishi, Minister for Foreign Affairs. After some talking, some discussion, and a little usual bickering, Azmir placed the phone back in his pocket.

"We'll need to head to the Foreign Ministry now," he said, gesturing at the office doors. "Oveishi wants the go ahead for the Initiative, but he wants to make sure he's covered all his bases with all our other friends in the Cabinet." Typical, really, Kasim thought. But it was sensible policy, and quite effective.

"Let's get to it," he replied, watching the map of New Qasimir, kept his eyes on it even as he left his office.



The Office of Foreign Affairs
Archon City
The Dominion of Khazaron

The Republic of New Qasimir greatly appreciates the Dominon of Khazaron's goodwill in her eagerness to open a dialogue with our nation. Despite our differing methods of governance, our ultimate values are the same: an obligation to freedom, an obligation to peace, and an obligation to our peoples to keep them safe.

New Qasimir would like to assure the Dominion that her appreciation for this goodwill will be backed up with action, in due course. Our nation is merely a step away from opening her doors to her neighbours in Atlantian Oceania. Our diplomatic initiative will be made public in a very short period of time, and one our first intended tasks is to establish official diplomatic relations with our neighbours, and subsequntly greater Atlantian Oceania through establishment of Embassies and open dialogues. In time, the Government of New Qasimir, indeed, our people as well, likewise hold the hope that the relationship between our nations evolves into more than one of mere diplomacy.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of New Qasimir

Posted by: Legalese Feb 1 2006, 11:42 AM

To: Khazaronian Office of Foriegn Affairs
From: State Department, Legal Federation of Legalese

Ms. Uram,

On behalf of the Legal Federation, I am writing to express our enthusiasm with your opening of diplomatic ties.  Legalese wishes to be, and remain, a neutral nation in international affairs, and in doing so, we feel it is best to open our arms to diplomatic contact with all nations.  We would welcome an ambassador from the Dominion, and likewise would request to send a delegation from the Legal Federation to Archon City.

May friendship and cooperation make this world a better place.


George Nobelano
Secretary of State

Posted by: Khazaron Feb 3 2006, 01:15 PM
Streaks of gray clouds cluttered the sky above Archon City. Thanfully the cold rain that had been plauging them had stopped, but a dreary, wet, cold atmosphere still remained. Needless to say, it put pretty much everyone in a less then stellar mood as they went about their business. All of this was far removed from the palace however, where things where as busy as ever. The weekend was just a few hours away and everyone was eager to finish their workload before leaving for a few days rest. It was traditional to allow most of those who worked in the palace a few days off on the weekend, so they would never be wound to tightly.

Danielle Uram relaxed in her black leather chair, holding a glass of red wine in her left hand as she leaned her head back, placing it on her headrest with her eyes closed. She sat like that for several minutes before moving the hand holding the glass up towards her lips and taking a sip, then placing the glass on her desk and opening her eyes. "Might as well get these last few things done." she said to herself. "I've been putting them off long enough." She grabbed two folders that sat on the right side of her desk and flipped through both of them. They contained the official responses given to her ministry by the governments of New Qasimir and Legalese. So far things where looking up for her new diplomatic initiative.

Placing the folders back down where they had been, she then turned her computer monitor on and prepared to type up a response to each.

TO: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, New Qasimir
FROM: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Khazaron

On behalf of the Dominion, her citizens, and her Patriarch, I would like to thank you for your kind reply to our proposal. We were indeed hoping that this idea would be found especially successful with the nations that closely border us. That being said, we eagerly await your appointment of an ambassador and further exchanges. Already a place on Embassy Row is being prepared for the diplomat and his staff, fully complimented with any amenities that may be needed.

I would also like to present to you our choice for ambassador to New Qasimir. Her name is Erin Alaoi. She has served as a dedicated member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for two years before switching over to the Internal Affairs office to aid in the construction of the infastructure of our then newly annexed districts out east. We hope you will find her a most pleasent voice of the Khazaronian people.

Should you wish any further correspondence between our two governments, please do not hesitate to contact the Foregin Affairs office.

In the name of the Patriarch,

Danielle Uram
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Dominion of Khazaron

With the letter finished, she had it sent off to New Qasimir, then turned to work on the one to the Leagl Federation.

(OOC Note: I'll be posting that one in Legal's thread, since it seems to make more sense that way.)

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